This weekend (11th Dec 2021) we announced our winners of the all-important Client Awards at Body Complete and Stronger for Longer.
The top prize of Client of the Year has been given in recognition of a lady whose been part of our Small Group Personal Training for just over a year. She has been so focused on her personal fitness goals this year. These were weight loss, muscle gain, cardiovascular fitness and core strength. She has been incredibly self-motivated to attend our evening sessions consistently throughout the year (using the Zooms and outdoor training when necessary) to achieve these targets. Attending 3 sessions a week towards the end of the year, her cardiovascular fitness has improved beyond measure. She is a pleasure to train, never complains and gives it her all. She’s mastered all the various movement patterns, so her technique is sound, and she’s going from strength to strength. Well done Jemma Punch. This unanimous decision is supported by the three coaches but also all of our members.
Our runner up prize for client of the year goes to a personal training client, Henry Tucker. He has been amazingly dedicated in attending his three personal training sessions a week, to maintain his good health, to put on muscle mass (6kgs in 2021) and has made huge progressions towards his strength-based fitness goals. He has persevered with virtual PTs through the early lockdown, as well as following his personal home programme in his own gym. Henry has committed his time to get the best out of our service and his body. He is equally deserving of our award in recognition of his consistency and effort.
Our Client’s Choice award is the prize voted for by our own SGPT members. The popular choice this year is Jackie Teasdale. Congratulations goes to her for topping your nominations. We wholeheartedly agree with our members. You totally deserve it and we have missed you not being here in recent weeks due to covid and subsequent work commitments.
We also had an award for Best Newcomer. Bobbie Rokes has been training with us for 6 months. She started with 1-2-1 training and has now progressed into the small group training sessions as her confidence and competence has grown. Bobbie has worked so hard right from the start to overcome her fears and to make real progress to rehab her muscular aches and arthritic joint pain in her knees. Her strength and cardio fitness are improving all the time. Her motivation to manage her anxiety and get her body working properly so she can get back to exercising freely again is inspirational. You’ve proven to yourself that you can stick at it and see the progress you deserve.
Finally, we had a longest serving member award and that prize goes to a lady who joined in July 2015. Anne Ellmore has stuck at small group personal training despite ups and downs in her physical health. She has tried to balance her needs with that of a demanding job, which isn’t always easy. She is fun to have in our sessions and very supportive of other members, all three coaches and of the service we provide here at Body Complete. Thanks Anne for your continued investment in us and you.