The Client of the Month award acknowledges individual effort. It usually goes to a client who has shown us that they are completely committed to their own fitness (whatever their level) and who always strives to get the most of the service we provide at Body Complete. We want our clients to not only achieve their fitness goals but to have fun and unwavering enthusiasm for the type of group training we provide. Our chosen client for this month demonstrates all of this in abundance.
Read on to see who the winner of this ‘prestigious’ award is!!!!
Client of the month for March 2018
My client of the month goes to Chris Thompson who has been with Body Complete for almost 6 months.
Since starting with us, he has shown an amazing motivation to improve his fitness level. He has used his accountability to set targets which he is constantly working towards. He turns up religiously to three evening sessions a week and pushes himself in each one. He uses the Semi-Private session to concentrate on his technique whilst participating in the Small Group Training classes to build stamina and develop his core strength.
He is a delight to train. He contributes to all the group banter whilst maintaining a level of concentration and has introduced his pal to the Body Complete family too. I have seen improvements in his form and despite not keeping his ‘chin up’, he takes on board all the technical advice available. Above all else he is such a nice bloke!
Michelle I’m sorry …. Two months in a row was just out of reach. My choice for client of the month fully deserves March’s accolade. Neighbour you simply weren’t tough enough!