Client of the Month May – Pete Ruston

Drun Roll please for our Client of the Month May 2018……

It is with absolute delight that I award this prestigious prize to Pete Ruston who has been training twice weekly with me for over a year.

Pete is fab. He puts 110% into every PT session he has and then does a Semi-Private or running class straight after. He has shown an amazing motivation to improve his fitness level and strives to better his own best from the previous week. He likes all the gym toys and has used them to build stamina and develop his core strength. From the office Zoe often sees him walking down the running track with unspeakably heavy weights! He never complains because he can see how important it is too him to put his health and fitness first. No pain no gain!

He is a lovely man, a great conversationalist but above all he enjoys it and we love having him as a client and pal. Thanks Pete for all your entrepreneurial ideas for BC. Keep them coming. We value your input, feedback and admire your determination to be the best you can be.

Peter Ruston you deserve it!

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