The seriousness of the Coronavirus situation deserves new levels of stringency. Our response is to instigate a strict plan of initiatives to protect and reassure members when we reopen.
In addition to all of the adjustments we had made before lockdown and closure of the gym we have introduced a new set of rigorous guidelines to follow.
Clients must follow the protocol detailed below:
- Upon entering the building upstairs, please use hand sanitizer supplied at the door.
- If PT client please put possessions into trug on the stage, including coat, towel and water bottle.
- Once group sessions start your water bottle and towel need to be placed by your mat in your Personal Training Zone (PTZ)
- Should a client require a face towel they must bring their own and be placed in the trug or PTZ.
- If you need to get changed please put your possessions into the boxes provided in the ladies’ or mens’ changing rooms.
- Every client will have a PTZ that is 2m apart from the next client, marked by a zone number and taped area, creating natural training separation.
- Group sessions will be limited to no more than 6 clients as always.
- The coach will pass any equipment to you so you do not need to touch anything unless prompted to. This equipment must be kept in your PTZ.
- All portable equipment will be placed in a trug for cleaning at the end of your session.
- Any paper towels used by client or coach must be disposed of in bin provided.
- If at any point during the session you feel unsafe you must tell the coach immediately.
- Please use hand sanitiser at the door or the changing rooms again on your way out of the building, for your own peace of mind.
For staff and client safety, Coaches will follow the protocol detailed below.
Coaches must ensure they have a 15 minute window between PT clients and 30 minute break between group training sessions in order to carry out the necessary cleaning procedure.
- Upon entering the building upstairs, please use hand sanitizer supplied at the door.
- Make a note of all equipment used by the client and dispose of equipment in the trug for cleaning at end of PT or session.
- All fixed equipment must be wiped down after session.
- Any mat used must be washed with soap, bleach and water after session.
- The trug used by PT clients for their possessions must be wiped clean.
- The Coach must remain 2m apart from the client(s) at all times.
- The Coach will be supplied with gloves to use for the session.
- The coach is to wipe down the door handles after client(s) leave the building.
We are not a typical ‘open’ gym where people can turn up whenever they want to do their own thing. We own a large, well-managed studio with a scheduling system that controls the flow of people which mean social distancing is easily implemented and member safety can be ensured by the coaches. In addition to this advantage we will also be increasing the regularity of our overall gym cleaning to further reinforce the cleanliness and disinfecting of the site.
We are very much looking forward to bringing in new members to the semi private and SFL sessions and welcoming back our existing faithful clients as soon as it is safe to do so. We will continue to maintain these high standards to protect your health. By going above and beyond the government guidelines stated, we aim to provide an industry leading response to dealing with Covid-19.