January Client of the Month 2020 – Claire Lane

Despite knowing Jon for many years, his partner Claire only joined in the last year as a new member. Claire hadn’t regularly exercised for many years and wasn’t sure what she was letting herself in for.  She was joining a hard group of regular attendees who liked the training to be high-intensity, so she was very much thrown in at the deep end.

I hope Claire won’t mind me saying that when she started, she was uncoordinated and found it difficult to hold certain postures and master particular movements. Her proprioception, or the awareness of her body’s limb position in time and space was poor. She also has hyper-extensive joints which hinders coordination. However, despite this she has got to grips with the key exercises and has learnt through practise to feel what that is like. She has improved her fitness from a fairly low level to keeping up with the other high performed attendees in the group. This is down to her sticking with it, enjoying it and feeling self-motivated enough to continue to better her strength and core. She is certainly much fitter and is losing weight.

Claire is always smiley, puts in 100% effort and this makes a wonderful client to have in the group. She possesses all the enthusiasm and commitment to continually improve. She takes advice and constructive criticism well and is willing to learn to better her performance of all the different exercises. By addressing her core stability issues at the start, she is coming on leaps and bounds. She appears to be really enjoying her training, so says Jon, which is essential to success.

She is a very deserving winner of our client of the month award for January 2020. What a great start to the year.

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