The Only Way To A Successful You is to Fast Track Your Body & Mind with our Semi Private Training Programme

The program you are about to commit to is designed with one thing in mind…


‘To get the best out of

your body

& mind to give you the

results you want to see.’


I have spent the last 20 years putting together the best fitness training

programs, in the most productive way, so it gives my clients the best chance

to improve themselves. In each of the nine weeks your body will be asked

to experience the most effective ways to fulfil its potential through mobility,

strengthening of muscles, accelerated cardio capacity and increasing your

metabolic rate. All this so you can burn fat, increase your fitness, become

physically stronger and feel great!

I will guide you through the program, covering all areas of fitness in a fun and

challenging way. My main aim is to make sure you get the correct advice and

instruction in a safe environment. I really hope you enjoy the experience as

much as we do.



Chris Stringer

Body Complete Director and Owner

Contact Us

If you would like to find out more please book a free Health and Fitness consultation by clicking on the Contact Us button . We want to help you achieve your goals.

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