Chris Stringer
In 1997 I completed my degree in Sport & Leisure Management and went straight into setting up a very successful sport and leisure company for 13 years. I set up BodyComplete in 2012 and have never looked back since.
My biggest fitness achievement would be representing my country for 800m and player Rugby League for my home city Salford and representing Great Britain for under 17’s. My biggest personal achievement is being a great dad to my children!
Body Complete has taken me deeper into my love to help others achieve their fitness goals and aspirations. The feeling you get when a client thanks you for your support and hard work to get them to their ideal self is amazing.
I love to help men and women overhaul their health and fitness using a combination of tailored exercise, healthy and enjoyable nutrition and through positive lifestyle and mindset changes. This combination is amazingly sustainable so you can…
- Feel confident around your friends, family and out in public
- Feel physically and mentally strong, capable of taking on any challenge without worry that your energy levels or body weight will get in the way.
- Get into clothes you want to wear
- Stop worrying about poor health
- Run around with your kids, or grandkids, without pain or feeling excessively tired
- Feel 10 years younger