Team Bowes – Stuart and Sharon

We first met Chris in a previous life, when joined a gym he was connected with and we realized what a massive amount of knowledge and enthusiasm he possessed with regards to his profession.

Unfortunately normal gym life wasn’t for us and we went on to other forms of exercise, which didn’t really tick the boxes for us.  I wanted to get and stay fit and Sharon wanted to lose weight and tone up, after having tried various diets without getting the lasting results she wanted.

Then we heard that Chris had started Body Complete and was, at the time, offering boot camp sessions in Scarborough which were already growing in popularity.  Sharon decided that she needed a lifestyle change to achieve her aims and not just a few months of dieting, so she went down to see Chris and enrolled on the boot camp.  The rest is history…..  She loved it and spent many hours on Scarborough beach in the depths of winter, running about and doing press-ups!  After a few weeks, I realised that if I didn’t join her, I would soon forget what she looked like! (even though what she looked like was already changing by this point)   And so Team Bowes was formed.  Since then, we have progressed with Body Complete from bootcamp sessions, to indoor HIIT sessions in groups and more recently we have discovered that we actually like running and joined a running club (Bridlington Road Runners), but we still come and do personal strength and conditioning sessions with George at Body Complete, to compliment our running.  As we are now (well in my case) into our 50’s, I think we are now two of the longest-serving members of Body Complete and currently in our 7th year of continuous membership!  Body Complete in our opinion, is easily the best gym in the area because it offers a high standard of expert guidance while you exercise and doesn’t just point you at an expensive machine and leave you to it.  All the classes are coached and the back-up goes far beyond that, offering nutritional advice and motivational chats as part of the package.  You can’t go wrong with Body Complete.

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If you would like to find out more please book a free Health and Fitness consultation by clicking on the Contact Us button . We want to help you achieve your goals.